The Aficionados of Mechanized “Game”

There is an internet PUA by the name pancake mouse that has thouroughly annoyed me over the years. He works from the premise that “Game” is a mechanical device one can use to inflict mind control upon women. I say mechanical because I can deduct by pancake mouse’s rhetoric that he believes words and social interactions to be mechanized. Much like gears in a clock. He has deducted that the correct combination of words and and interactions can produce a definite result. He is wrong. Philosophically, he can easily be disproven as he, along with all the great scientists and medical professionals of the 21st century, has not included himself in his concept and therefore has excluded a key variable in his conclusions.

For any aspiring PUA, you should not think of game as a machine. Girls cannot be controlled. Trying to conduct oneself under that premise will only lead to disaster. I suppose I shouldn’t be so angry at pancake mouse as he is in fact only hurting himself with his poorly built conceptions. However, upon inspection of my anger toward him, it is only a byproduct of my own personal transformation through the practice of picking up women. He annoys me not because he offends my sense of truth but because I have come to see women differently and I find those like him, who seek to use women mechanically, to be dangerous to the women I have developed a sense to protect.

So don’t think of game as a means of power. It will not serve you. Instead think of it as a personal journey in which you will become a whole new man by the end of. It is important as you go through the difficult task of confronting your own insecurities and faulty notions to be patient with yourself and with the girls. But you owe that respect to both yourself and the women if you intend to maintain the health of your soul.

It is easy to think of “game” as a system that has defined edges. However that has its downsides. Systems are series of interfaces between what’s inside and outside, or you and the world. The limits of interactions are boundless to the human mind and cannot be condensed to the definition we may wish them to be. Remember that as you do your approaches. Be open to it so new branches can grow.

And for those that prefer to think of systems as tightly defined, they will soon perish from early onset cancer from the vaccine. To them I say; Better luck next time!

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